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A Day in the Life of Sweetie Pie Soaps: Soap Making

Soap Business Logo

Hello Friends! We are thrilled to present our new logo, created by our dear friend and talented graphic designer, Lauren Munro. We hope you love it as much as we do. Thank you Lauren! Inspired by our logo, we plunged into one of our marathon soap making binges this past weekend.

The Beginning

Because we live over an hour apart, we have to do our work in bursts of activity, which are productive, fun, and a little crazy. In preparation for a “Soap Weekend,” Liz always prepares a Soap Agenda and I make sure everything is ready to go in the soap room. Liz arrives early on Saturday morning, we make coffee, and within minutes the first big batch of soap is underway. While waiting for various ingredients to heat, cool and process, we hold a business meeting, taking notes in a soap splattered notebook.

The Second Batch in Soap Making

By ten a.m., the second batch of soap is underway. While waiting, we plan production for upcoming months. By the time the third batch has been poured, all of our beautiful, handmade wooden molds are full and so it is time to break for lunch (tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches anyone?) After lunch, restored by food and more coffee, we focus on new products, recipes and packaging. This weekend we worked on developing our liquid soap, lip balm, deodorant, and aftershave lotion. Of course, things don’t always go as planned. The results are always interesting and sometimes funny.

The Aftermath

After one of these days, we look as if we’d been dragged through a hedge backwards, so we make spaghetti and brownies, put on our pajamas, watch chick flicks and knit washcloths. On Sunday we label and photograph new products and practice playing our ukuleles.

We have big plans for spring and summer, but we’ll tell you about those later. As Liz drives off, I notice that the snow is disappearing from the hillsides, although another eight inches is expected next weekend. But spring is coming, we are sure of it.