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You are always asked what your New Year’s resolution is, but where did that tradition come from?

History shows that the first people to make new years resolutions are the ancient Babylonians about 4,000 years ago. However, they celebrated new years in the middle of March versus January because March was when they planted their crops for the year. They made promises that could be seen as resolutions that included returning borrowed items and repaying their debts. It is believed that they would be given a favor by their gods if they held their promises, but if not then god would not give them a favor.

Frequently, we hear resolutions these days involving losing weight or eating healthier. These can seem repetitive, uninspiring, or unattainable. Instead, consider a different resolution that follows the same theme of taking care of your body. I have made the resolution to wash my face twice daily. This may seem simple to some, but as a mom a lot of times we forget about ourselves or put our needs at the wayside. However, I realized, it is important to show your children that you value yourself and that includes taking care of your body through self care. If you need ideas on a resolution for this year that you may actually keep, read below!

Resolutions About Taking Care of Your Body

  1. Use lotion every day.
  2. Wash your makeup off your face before bed
  3. Avoid perfumes
  4. Floss daily
  5. Use more natural products on your body
  6. Exfoliate your skin regularly
  7. Get 7-8 hours of sleep every night

We would love to hear what you are doing this year to take care of your body better!

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